🔥 Best token-gated tool for Discord

Unlock the full potential of your tokens with ease. Provide premium content, host private events, create exclusive roles on Discord with Linkko.

Join with over 1k+ users now

Let's check behind the gates


Control access & token-gate your Discord channels without code


Holder get automatically approved & removed


Supercharge your community insights with Web 3 analytics

How it works

Token Gate Discord in minutes

Create your token-gated access on the dashboard

Create your ideal token-gated access and customize properties through an intuitive dashboard experience

Add Linkko bot to Discord in a few clicks

The bot will interactively guide you in the process step by step, and will verify token ownership in auto-pilot

Analyze & get web 3 data from your community

Access to the wallet net worth of your communities, their favorite token and NFTs, and more.

Seamless experience of token-gating Discord with Linkko

Linkko will fasten the adhesion process for your community. No more admin tasks and forms.

Maximum benefit for your users

Implementation no-code within minutes

Available on multiple chains and wallets

Valuable analytics and insights

Examples of token-gating your Discord

Exclusive Gaming Tournaments

Exclusive gaming tournaments or events for token holders, creating a competitive and engaging environment within the community.

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Exclusive AMA Sessions

Exclusive AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with project founders or industry experts, accessible only to token holders, providing them with unique opportunities to ask questions and gain valuable insights.

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Create a live-stream on discord just for holders

Stream exclusive live events for token holders on Discord, offering an immersive and interactive experience in a gated environment.

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Join Linkko and unlock the power of your community!

With Linkko, you can create exclusive token-gated accesses, drive community engagement, and unlock valuable insights, resulting in thriving communities and enhanced user experiences.